Old controls, a risk to your business

All types of electronics have a lifespan, even in industrial design, you can not expect it to last forever. Interruptions such as outages or surges in the network can have serious consequences. Then it is important that spare parts and assistance are not far away. Many types PLC (programmable logic control) has today been replaced by newer and more modern models, where the older models are no longer available.

Amdam Sag & Høvleri at Sjøholt has experienced this reality for better or worse. A flash on the power supply caused an older type of controller to lose what was stored in memory. The saw stopped, and no one had a good overview of the steering. Older, used spare parts were sent from the east country but the functionality was never correct. No one was on the right program, and all production stopped as a result.

"It has gone without a hitch" - Tor-Einar Amdam, Amdam Sag & Høvleri

Møre Control AS then came on board, replaced the components and programmed all functions. We also added some features for extra security for the operator - according to the customer's wishes. With modern controls, we can offer spare parts, support locally or remotely and the possibility of many new functions and extensions.

If you want more information, contact Roar Løken by phone or e-mail.
Roar Løken
General Manager - Senior Automation Engineer
924 66 746

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